Embark on a transformative journey with Tentmaker Academy – a financial equipping course meticulously designed for EVERYONE in the kingdom.

We believe that each individual is impacted and empowered by the financial world, and this academy is crafted to cater not only to the significantly called business person but also to the everyday individual seeking breakthroughs and victories in finances and debt elimination.

Students are invited to register for a single year course or make plans to join for both year one and year two.

No matter your background – personal finance, entry-level, or seasoned professional – Tentmaker Academy is your key to becoming an excellent steward, just like the servants in the parable Jesus told. Seize this opportunity to refine your skills, elevate your mindset, and honor your calling amidst success.

Both year one and year two students will have access to services and market tools that will catapult personal and marketplace ventures and journeys.

Enroll now and transform your financial destiny with Tentmaker Academy!